Friday, February 3, 2012

Feeling Closer to Jim--through the radio?

From Gwen's letter, March 20, 1938:

"My Dearest Sweetheart,

. . .Well, darling, how does it feel to be Supervising Elder by now? Are they keeping you plenty busy? After you told me about it I waited patiently for the [Millennial] Star to come and sure enough I found the clipping and it's now part of the book I have of 'Jim on a mission.' I believe I have almost all the clippings they've had in the Star about Wm. James Telford--confirming, blessing, baptizing,and supervising, etc.

"Sweetheart, Patriarchal blessings really do come true don't they, if one is faithful? I believe your being called on a mission opened my eyes to that more than anything else and now this new opportunity you've been given makes me believe more. And Jim, I'm praying for your success always as we prayed Jan. 20, 1937.

". . .I went out to see Dot Sunday. Just think Cal's been gone almost a month. She says it seems like sixty months. She has taken up table tennis to help pass the time away and you should have seen us play it. Boy, am I good. I kept thinking I was on a real tennis court and I would about ruin all their furniture but, honey, I'm going to get a set and then I challenge you to a tournament when you get home. I believe I'd have a better chance at that than I would real tennis.

". . .Did I tell you we have a new radio? The good old radio we used to listen to by firelight finally burned out and now Dad has an R.C.A. and my one ambition now is to get England with it. Just think how grand it would be if we were both listening to exactly the same program at exactly the same time, and then if we'd both shut our eyes maybe we could imagine we were in front of a warm glow of a fire together. Last night Cec had Cuba on the radio and Dad believes he had Japan, so maybe I'll get England tonight.

". . .Kid, I would have given anything to have had you here last Tuesday. The moon was just magnificent. Remember how it used to come up over Mt. Olympus in the summer of 1933. Well it was like that only it came up right in the middle of those two big peaks just east of us here and it was a huge yellow ball with a golden rose halo around it. Oh kid, it was grand and if only you could have been here it would have been perfect.

". . .How are you feeling now? I hope you're well again. What have they got you doing mostly now? Do you think the war in Europe is really as threatening as they tell us?

"Well sweetheart, I've go to stop now because I'm out of paper--

Loads of love,

"I'm enclosing some more money to be used if needed. . .Please write as often as you can darling. Your letters mean everything."

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