Friday, January 13, 2012

Jim's Second Year in the Missionfield . . . The Story Continues

From Jim's Letter, Jan. 24, 1938, So. Shields:

"My Dearest Gwen,

"Have I ever told you before that you write the nicest letters of any that come my way? Your letter written on the second was precisely what I needed to start the second year of my mission on. An assurance of your love, and an assurance of your undivided devotion. They mean a lot to me Gwen darling, and do a great deal toward making my work easier.

"Maybe, when we do meet you will be thrilled, and your legs fold up under you, or you'll make that bee-line you refer to. But what about me. I'll probably be so thrilled I'll cry again, and . . .when we are in each others arms again I'll be afraid that it will all be another dream. Boy, I'll say that will be a grand day, and I don't care whether it is rain, snow, cloud, or sunshine, . . .if it is Salt Lake, Evanston, Rock Springs, Omaha, Chicago, New York, Plymouth or Southhampton, if your there and I'm there, it will still be a grand day. I'd certainly like you to come east and meet me, and then we can travel home to-gether, . . . you owe it to yourself, after working for so long, and its your money to spend as you wish. But I leave it entirely up to you to decide for yourself whether or not you choose to do it or not.

" . . .Well I'd better tell you before I bust what I've done. Last week I took some U.S. money and blew it on some table linens for us. One dinner cloth 2 1/2 X 3 1/2 yards and six napkins, with two more to come. It is white damask, and very pretty if I do say so myself. . . the label and guarantee says it is real Irish linen, so I believe the guarantee.

". . .Last night over at Gateshead I was given the honor and privilege of blessing and giving a name to the new son of Bro. Turnbull. The little rascal was fine until I started to speak and then he started to bawl and cry, just like the one at Carlisle did. Oh yes we gave him the name of Arthur Thomas Turnbull. We had a swell meeting over there. We had 21 out for evening meeting and ten for Sunday School. Man alive how those twenty one did sing in the evening session. Boy to hear their lusty voices sing "Come Oh Thou King of Kings" was a treat to my ears. Bro Kearl and I spoke. . .the constant speaking does wonders for any one.

"Say you are getting choosey in who you have to speak in our ward aren't you? Pres. McKay and Elder Ballard. Both fine men, and both near to me, and you, us. Pres. McKay telling me to go. Apostle Ballard setting me apart. Why after having so much talent in the ward, you won't want a mere missionary to contaminate the stand. I'd like to have heard Pres. McKay because to me, he is the acme of masculine beauty, personality, and character. Some day, I want to be like that man.

(Picture: Pres. David O. McKay)

". . .On the eighth of February we are to go to Bradford to a meeting with Pres. Brown, and about forty of the Elders in the north of England. Needless to say, I look forward to this meeting, for I do enjoy being in the company of such fine young men. Pres. Brown, as you already know, is another star in my universe of great characters.

(Picture: Pres. Hugh B. Brown)

"Bro. Hart told us that Apostle Lyman had given the word that we would all be home in less than a year, because of a war that is sure to come. . .The news reels give a sad account of what is taking place, but our English papers tell very little.

". . .Strange that we should be writing about marriage in our letters,. . .I too am glad, thankful Gwen, that the girl I will marry will be worthy of a temple marriage. That that girl will be you. . .I'm going to try to be the kind of husband that no other girl will want, and such that my wife, you, will want no other husband. If I can do that much, I'm sure we will both be happy.

"Listen, honey, I like you to be a 'bachelor girl'. . .and hope you'll stay that way until about March of 1939. . .I'm glad Gwen, that you and I can see the value of truth, and know the worth of faith, in our separation.

". . .And now I must close. sending love and fondest desire, to be always your sweetheart.
I am
Your Sweetheart,
XX many Os"

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