Thursday, May 27, 2010

"Our" Squirrels and Dreaming of Dark Hair, Chubby Baby Boys

From Gwen's Letter, May 16, 1937--

"Dearest Sweetheart,

I'm happy again, thank goodness, but it was just in the nick of time after waiting almost two weeks for a letter for the one I care most about. I almost decided to go on a broken arm strike. It really wasn't safe for people around home because of the way I'd go up in smoke when I'd rush home from work only to find no letter. The day it finally came Mom called me at work so I'd cool down and not wreck the house. No fooling. I look forward to those letters . . . [they] are the things which we must hold to if our dream is to become a reality and I have every faith that it will. . .

"Jim, let me look down deep in those blue eyes I'm waiting to see and you look down deep in mine and now I'm going to tell you again what our little squirrel heard one day. Darling, no love is complete in marriage if it is a selfish love and ours is far from being selfish. . . Just think of the fun we'll have when there is a little black headed chubby faced Jimmie and a blonde Gwennie dressed in a little blue silk dress. Oh kid, I can't even write about it without crying. I can just see you standing towering above a little tiny boy who toddles uncertainly over and grabs your legs in his two little arms and looks up trustingly into his daddy's face. . . Erlyn was talking to me the other day and guess what she said. She said, 'If Jim and Gwen ever have kids, won't they be smart.' . . .

"Jim dear, please don't fall for England too hard or you'll never be satisfied with home again. Do you have quiet rendezvous with tall pines and soft moss, and trickling streams and little squirrels chattering above. We have. Maybe they aren't as romantic as green valleys but they still mean more to me because of the associations. . . . I like that idea of yours about writing down suggestions for things to do to make our marriage perfect. I think about those things all the time and often I see happy married couples who can give you and I tips.

The shutters on Jim and Gwen's home held a reminder of their experience with the squirrels

" . . . Please write and tell me all about your trip to the coronation. I listened over the radio and, believe it [or] not, I heard you yelling at the top of your voice 'God Save the King' and then I worried for fear that rain would give you pneumonia or sumpin'. How many hot dogs did you tuck away? Did you know there was a big article in the Central Park Herald about you and George in the conference, the work you're conducting and the trip you were to make to the coronation?"

A Special Commemorative Copy of the Millennial Star featured the Coronation

" . . . Well, honey, it's midnight and I must stop now . . . So goodnight sweetheart.
With loads of love and some X's too, Gwen

"P.S. . . . Thanks for for that nice letter to Mom. It was grand."

1 comment:

  1. This is probably my new favorite post mom.

    "Just think of the fun we'll have when there is a little black headed chubby faced Jimmie and a blonde Gwennie dressed in a little blue silk dress."

    Grandma is adorable :)
